Monday, April 20, 2020

Andalus 2020 - part 2

I need a very, very, very good distraction right now. Hence, I'm here. Though, half of me am not very sure whether this is the best distraction or what is. There's not much options available as of now.

Cordoba (30/1/2020)

After strolling around Barcelona, Lisbon and Seville, I was back on duty for the city of Cordoba. The plan was a success, initially, until I was too caught up with my another small mistakes and all the exhaustion and the lack of sleep and the reduced appetite haha, so I actually cried on the bus to Medina Az Zahra. Thanks to my supportive twin who gave her 200% trust and basically was there by my side, you know who you are :)

Before I forget, there's this one event that's very interesting to be shared, imo. With the overwhelming emotions, I could not hide my swollen eyes. I was known for being such a calm and strong person, but in such times, I am as normal as everyone could see. With those swollen eyes, we were asked to declare our backpacks' content before entering the Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba, and one of the security officers, asked me about the content of my big pouch. Well, obviously, with eczematic skin condition for almost 24/7, I'd have to bring along my moisturiser, sunscreen, and all other essentials as we were always on the go.

Somehow, the first word that came to my mind was 'makeup items' just because I wouldn't want to relay such a long list to him. And guess what he did after I answered his question? He actually stared at my face for a sec, with a confusing facial expression, that I was not sure whether he agree to disagree that I wasn't wearing any makeup on to have such a big pouch with me LOL. I was so embarrassed and entered the mosque (only a museum now), without looking back. To my surprise, I started crying again, LOL. And the mentioned security officer actually came by my side and pat me on my shoulder, just to say that " You are beautiful, don't cry" hahahaha before he walked away, feeling guilty I guess. He must be confused that a woman can cry because of that simple thing, poor you haha.

My #4 tip : Always bring your own pre-cooked meal as they are handy and would definitely help you fill in those empty stomachs without having to enquire about the halal status. Do bring your own small rice cooker to avoid 'syubhah' issues and you're good to go!
Places we visit : Medina Az Zahra & Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba

sweet gila hos Airbnb ni huhu

husna jual makanan

sue suruh tenung

Granada (31/1/2020)

After all the struggles with my inner self, we've finally moved on to our next destination and I was so relieved. I was finally free from any responsibility hehe. Except for capturing pictures and enjoying the moments.

Travelling in Europe was kinda easy, because even if you missed a bus/train, you can surely catch up the next bus/train in just a few minutes. In addition, the signage and labels are very helpful compared to our next destination. You just need to have mobile data and full-charged power bank. The only minus point is that, you'll have to do your no 1 & 2 business in toilets without water, and of course performing wudu' would be an adventurous sport too. But, that's fine right? You're just visiting the country, not staying there forever right?

My #5 tip : Always bring along small bottle of tap water for your 'private businesses'. It would be more preferable to have a spray bottle, so that you do not have to undergo such an extreme sport while performing ablution. And do bring a separate bottle from your drinking ones, for hygiene purposes, okay?
Places we visit : Alhambra Palace

view Alhambra dari gunung seberang, cantikk

masjid depa selalu buka time solat ja,
kalau dak kena tutup, so kami kena halau la time tu

jauh weyh bukit ni nak ke Alhambra gate

dah sampai gate kena panjat lagi pulak haha,
I stan you my legs!

the light at the end of the tunnel

bidadari dah cantik, tapi fotografer pulop cari pasal haha

jelas kan binaan Islam tu kat situ? cantikk

acah2 princess pakai dress padahl sejuk  berangin haha

kakak terchenta

pastu memula sume pikir takpe ke pakai dress camni? 
tak ke cam menarik perhatian haha?
pastu bila tgok muka memaisng, insyaAllah, takpa lol
nak tukar baju ni pon bukan senang woii fuhh

acik penat nak duduk sat
tapi kan tapi kan, kitorang jumpa aunty msian kat sini, 
dah amik gambar,
dah lah berjodoh dua kali,
pastu taktahu gambar kat mana sobsob

kutip matahari ituu

Till then. Got class tomorrow, so see ya in the next post :) Assalamualaikum

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