Thursday, July 16, 2020

Andalus 2020 - part 5

Assalamulaikum and hi readers!!!

How are you? I hope you are in the best of health and may the odds be ever in your favour.

So, I've decided to finally write the last part of my journey of Andalus 2020. The trip was in January but it took me 5 months to actually complete the storytelling huhu. Forgive me, dear me :)

Egypt wasn't part of the trip at first because Andalus 2020 was aimed to include these 3 countries only; Spain, Portugal and Morocco. While discussing about the trip, we realised that to stay within our budget, we had to buy a return flight ticket with ~12 hours transit time, thus on the way back to India, we had a short trip/visit to Egypt!!

E.G.Y.P.T. This country could have been my first vacation destination with my parents back in 2014. But we plan and He plans, and He is always the Best Planner. That trip was supposed to include Abah, Mama, Ati and me, but because of the country's crisis and my parents were quite worried about my SPM (Because we could've been stucked in the country or whatnot, but nothing bad happened to my family, alhamdulillah). I guess, the vacation was not part of my 'rizq' anyways. My biggest anticipation was to visit my sister's university; Cairo University, where she spent the whole 6 years studying Medicine. She was one of our biggest inspirations after all hehe. And though to this date, I am still not sure of His reasons, but I believe He knows what's best for us in any given time :)))

Since we have a very short amount of time to move from one place to another in Egypt, we've hired ourselves a tourguide. It was a good decision, though I'd not recommend the same tourguide for myself hehe. The visit was in fact a tough period for me as tons of unsettled matters were in my head; the lack of sleep, the unstoppable crave for rice and home-cooked meals, the unbearable unhealthy skin, the supreme heat of Egypt, the caution we have to take towards any possible pickpockets, the terrible mood and the list goes on.

P/s: I hope the next time I'm in Egypt, it's going to be a memorable one, amiin, insyaAllah

My #7 tip: A 12 hour transit isn't that long actually, taking into consideration the hours we need to spare for immigration process into/out of the airport. And considering the huge number of people in the airport, it was quite a bad idea being here hehe. But if you happen to have more than 15 hours transit time, you may/may not explore the transit destination, if it's worth it. That depends on you okay? But in my opinion, like any other trips, I'd feel more exhausted mentally, physically &emotionally towards the end of the trip and eventually the anticipated excitement wasn't really there huhu. Instead of enjoying the trip, all I did was staring into the space aimlessly lol. My bad :))

Places we visit: Great Pyramid of Giza, Al-Azhar University, Nile River, bazar Khan-el Khalili

kakak ni kan kalau tgok muka dia dari pertama kali kenal sampai sekarang
sma je, tak berubah pun, mmg awet muda ke sis?


makanan kat sini padu, tapi takde mood nak makan haha,
makan satay pastu kenyang,
lebih2 tu kita pass kat orang lain lah,
makasih temen2

suasana majlis ilmu dalam masjid al azhar ni umpama bayangan
yang jadi realiti, subhanallah

kalau sesat satu hal pula haha

perempuan shopping pun strees, tak shopping pun stress haha,
yang pakai baju hitam nampak effort sikit la nak faham shopping style perempuan,
yang jacket merah dari awal sampai sudah pening haha
husna picit apa tu

nak senyum pun rupa macam takmau haha

gambar ni mcm gambar abah masa 2014 in cairo hehe

And that sums up pretty much everything I'm able and would like to share with you, readers, I hope it can benefit you in any possible ways. Looking forward to my next Allah-knows-when-trip if the condition, time and budget allocation permits hehe, insyaAllah. Till then :)

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