Monday, November 23, 2020


Assalamualaikum and hi people!!!!

I don't know whether any post from this website has ever excites anyone, but I do hope this 'comeback' could add some colors into our daily ordinary life. Hehe. And I would like to use this opportunity to write about something certain, especially in this time of uncertainties. And believe me or not, most of us are doing it quite frequently since this pandemic, which is talking about our past :)

Alhamdulillah, for the peace of mind and stability of emotions I have for the time being, and to be able to write a post now, is definitely a big achievement for me. Though frankly speaking, I am still not sure of my chart of progress but I do know that I am in a very slow process called growth. And by that, no matter how tiny my improvement is for a day, I would love to wake up tomorrow just to be someone better than I was the day before. InsyaAllah.

Before I go on reminiscing about my 'certain phase' of life; the past, I'd like to make it clear that I am that kind of person who loves collecting, grouping and making sure that every picture or video related to my family or friends are in the 'Picture' folder in my laptop, and some of them are in my precious hard disk. 

As someone who loves being photographed (hehe) and definitely worshipped photography ;)) , I am very particular when it comes to naming the folders. To add to this personal fact about myself, even before the pandemic, I'd always spend time going through the pictures and videos from different phases of my life. I'd scroll and scroll to go to places I've been to, to remind myself of what helped me be who I am today, to visualize those happy and unhappy moments, to not forget the journey to reach this point of life, to be able to reconnect with my past so as to be more appreciative of the present. I'm not sure if these reasons make any sense to you, readers, but do know too, that I am such an 'amnesiac' when it comes to recalling my own past or memories. But to be able to pull myself together during hard times, using this simple method, is very calming and reassuring. Come what may, for I'll push through it, no matter what it takes, insyaAllah.

So, as I was saying, I was going through the folder named 'Med Year 4', and the subfolders are all related to when I started Semester 7 with Commed until now. It's quite a big folder compared to the previous 3 folders of the same name, but different number, as my Year 4 in medical school is still incomplete hehe. With that being stated, I'd like to share some of the happy moments I had, under the subfolder named 'random20' and 'posting'. 

As a quite self-centered writer (I knew I'm not a good one), I know that this entry might not be sth beneficial for some of you. And of course, you may leave this page knowing that very fact huhu. But before you go, know that these moments of uncertainty too shall be embraced like any other phase of life. No, I'm not saying that it's easy but it's not beyond what we can bear, insyaAllah. And most importantly, always be attentive to what we have at present, because even if it's unpleasant sometimes, we can never redo these moments ever again. Make full use of it, enjoy it, so that when we look back to the past, some time in the future, we can be proud of ourselves, and not feeling regretful. 

YOU are a very very strong soul, you do know that, right? (fist bump virtually)

With that, I shall now begin my 'subfolder' sharing :D

Fuh, ni bukti penting, setelah 'dibelasah' teruk.
Mujur kena belasah dgn zet, terus jadi bearable huhu,

Dr kesayangan syaz hehe.
Posting paling pendek, paling susah
tapi paling menarik juga, utk syaz. 
Untuk saya, no comment wkwkwk

Memang rezki awal tahun 4 semua posting byk kena gi kampus,
bergambar depan kampus mcm satu kewajipan pula haha

Ada juga kenangan posting Fammed, 
apa nama klinik ni eh haha lupo

Ni masa gi rehab centre kan?
Beraktiviti di bawah terik mentari uols

Power Dr kita.
Sentiasa mahu beri yang terbaik untuk komuniti,
thumbs up!!

Eh, sempat jadi puteri haha

Fammed best sbb Dr2 tak pernah
tak bersemangat, esp Dr Nilesh

Depan KMC, dgn Dr paling berdedikasi :)

Dgn Che Nur, yang taktahu nama penuh saya haha

Ni kat pusat rx Tb, HIV kan? 
(saya taktahu saya tanya sapa sebenarnya haha)

Somangek discuss takut kena belasah 

Ni tempat pasal food nak tahu ada
permissible colouring or whatnot

on a rare occasion, saya bangun awal,
untuk capture kecantikan ciptaan Tuhan,
dari tingkap 321

Pak rajin sobat

Masuk kedai buku, discuss apa ntah haha

Bunga-bunga kehidupan

Ni salah satu event yg takde kaitan dgn saya,
tapi dorg paksa pergi,
sorry penganjur, bukannya takmau pi,
tapi saya tak join sports apa pun haha.
Niat nak main pingpong Samudera ni,
sbb tak perlu ada harsh contact with opponents
in a single court,tup tup, pingpong cancel haha.
Saya lah org paling tak aktif dalam USMKLE :))

Muka bersinar pon xpe, ni perkenalkan
clerking partner paling dicintai,
taktahulah dia suka ke tak clerk dgn saya haha

Ada ostajah uols, dapat ke tak aura positif tu?

m2j kitaaa

Pergh puree yang dirinduii

Bee ajak dating, pahtu, order air lemon kot,
not knowing KFC only served lemon masala,
dio pom minum sambil tutup hidung,
macam makan obat uols

Ni rumah yg kita numbering masa CFCS!

On a rare occasion too, bila i join futsal haha.
I suka jadi GK sebab takkan terlanggar orang haha.
And everyone were so concerned about me berpeluh
 with my eczema, I sempat berkipas di tiang gol gais.
These are my sweet fwensss

Pergh pelik2 je tahun ni ya,
sempat ada gym membership lagi,
pastu join hiking ntah kat mana ahah

Oh, dah sampai tempoh pandemik, 
I bergambar bersama presenters mantul,
ENT was challenging gais,

Bidadari singgah rumah alhamdulillah

Bfast dgn bidadari n fatimah comeii do'oh

Andd fatinah jadi puan!!!
Kitorg tak sempat tolong neves
sebab sampai pun lambat, sorry tinah.
Syukur dpt buli kinah kejap haha
Kelik kelate sokmo haha, pahtu gi dderak aduh

Tak pernah tolong celebrate, syukur boleh buat huhu

Ati je nak bergambar. 
Gi ganu best gais, sebab tempat lepak sure tepi pantai,
bunyi ombak deru angin tu masyaAllah.
Nak rumah tepi pantai Ganu lah huhu

Bye org Ganu, moga baik2 saja ya <3

Tepi pantai lagi alhamdulillah

Gambar ni unedited ya, sorry la lighting ahha,
but surely it deserves to be here :)

Saya yang suka cakap tanpa henti tu -_-

And that sums up this entry I guess? Knowing that I am not in this alone, and knowing that this is just a tiny bit of my God-knows-how-many-wonderful years I've got in this temporary life, I'll be good, insyaAllah. Till our next post? Assalamualaikum, dear readers! Have a good day, month and years ahead!!!!

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