Wednesday, December 31, 2014


salam P-E-O-P-L-E

don't question why did i spelt out the word up there. :D so, yeah. ending 2014 with words, quotes, pictures is undoubtedly cliche, kan? but, as always, i dont seem like i ever care. LOL.

pretty much zig-zags on a straight highway. much more fun, tears, feelings, emotions, fights, love, care. and all those unlisted things were on my 2014 path. pretty lively than previous years and yet uncountable challenges made it almost impossible to face through. but, Alhamdulillah, with His help, family's love, friends' care, teachers' support and muslims' du'as, made 2014 a whole lot easier.

ups and downs are normal, only that we have to come up with the best solution to get out of certain situation. some of them happened and could not, in any way, be avoided, cause that's Allah's plan for us.

now, for the main topic,  may i present you >>>>>>>



only a few say, only a few  that she's ugly, few say she's un-cute, few say she's matured. so, you guys guess, out of those few person on earth, what would the others describe about this sister of mine? ( you get what i mean ,kan? it means lagi BANYAK org cakap syahirah ni the opposite of above statements, cause only a few that made those ridiculous statement)

a gap of 3 years automatically announced me as your little sister, and for those 17 years time spent with you, were indescribably  awesome. awesome , okay? read that word very carefully. AWESOME.
SYAHIRAH, you were the clumsiest, weirdest, most brilliant, laziest, most stubborn, most outdated  and the superlatives list goes on.

yet, you were one of the best pieces of my puzzle  AWHHH.... so sweet, right? my own quotes kay? and i'm not sure whether it had existed or not. duh.

my prayer for you is that, may today, 31.12.2014 that officially turns you into the 20's, brings you more joy and fun, more tears and cries, more love and care and surely may Allah's blessings guide you through. be it the guys, or your own friends, if they had ever intended to harm you in any means, do inform us. we, the SHIRAZ- takkan terpisah, :P and will never leave you unassisted.

much love, hugs and kisses from me, family members (including the out station guy), we may not be there by your side always, but our dua's will always be. InsyaAllah.

Ya Allah, let us meet in jannah.

XOXO, from persons kat bawah ni. teehee.

P/S: may 2015 become a great and adventurous year for all. bersandarlah padaNya, kerana Dia tahu apa yang terbaik untuk hambaNya.

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