Wednesday, January 23, 2019

The power of du'a

Believe me, prayers are like reflection in a mirror. What more when the prayers is from one who's very close to Allah.

I can't deny that this is one of the most anticipated events amongst our best friends. Though at the same time, I do wish that I could turn the time around, and appreciate them better. But just like any other fate, we have no control over them. One thing I'm sure of now is, be it now or later, the time will come. (And I have to admit that sometimes I hate being a grown up huhu)

It is a matter of time. And it is a matter of fate. We shouldn't be questioning or even had the slightest doubt of His perfect timing. Instead, we should be focusing more on the days ahead of us, on how to improve our quality of ibadah, on how to reduce quantity of bad deeds, on how to be a passionate medical student, on how to be a lovable friend; of which people turn to whenever good & bad things happened to them, on how to be a pious daughter/son, on how to be a thoughtful leader, and the list goes on. Allah had promised such a wonderful storyline for each and every one of us. So, push your doubts away & move on.

I'd like to quote what Nabihah had always told us: "How long do we intend to be together in this dunya? When we always know, that every single relationship will be followed by either a temporary or a permanent separation. Let's just have faith in His promise, and hope and pray that He'll let us meet in His paradise, insyaAllah. And indeed, that is what we should longed for"

Good days ahead, peeps. <3

tentang aku,
yang masih termenung jauh,
melihat ke hadapan yang kabur,
kerana tiada yang jelas,
selagimana sesuatu itu belum berlaku

tentang aku,
yang selalu berfikir 'kalau',
sedang untuk bahagia itu,
usah risau tentang yang belum terjadi,
dan usah menyesal dengan apa yang telah terjadi

tentang aku.

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