Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Ceylon Project 18/19

Assalamualaikum & hi peeps. Seems like my fingers are having quite a hard time writing this down since the gap with previous post is undeniably long. But still , here I am, with the purest intention to share what I've experienced throughout the journey as a member of Ceylon Project by The Legacy.

Let me start with the interview. I was interviewed by 3 former members of The Legacy but I could only recall 2 of them, who were Pah and Aboh. Without any doubt and a full-tank of confidence, I went on answering and believed that everything will be well unless I'd be the head of sponsor. Just like the old saying, you can't really hate what you hate, because eventually what you hate will come and get back to you. And that's exactly what happened to me.

Months and months of misery, especially when I had to work with someone who had to deal with his own problem without stating anything form the start. I don't want to say that I don't blame him, but nevermind, things happened.

Even when my partner had cleared everything up, it didn't really goes well. We were on good term and he tried to do his best but some people just never stop trying to create noteworthy problems of the year. And that's exactly when I started to question, do people just live to look good in front of public and behind all those masks, people just behave like they're ....... ? And those were in the past. Let's just focus on what's there in the present and the future.

The fact that I really really didn't have the heart and soul to proceed with the trip was obvious. And that's when He sent me His secret gift; Prof KJ!!
His mere presence was calming and we were grateful for that. I guess all those challenges were made so that I'd be able to appreciate the journey even more :)

still a long way to go

ada sorang kawan ni suh kita borak ngn prof masa duk tunggu flight,
kita pun mcm hmm. mujur prof peramah. maaf tak byk cakap prof,
saya lmbt skit mesra huhu

boleh solat kat masjid!! kat india nggak bisa dong

tempat amik wudhu pon ada , alhamdulillah ;)
kami +/- mcm belangkas skit la

akak banyak skills haha

right after lunch, ana x lalu makan, pastu kena mrh
sbb x habiskan makanan. tapi banyakk:(

nama2 syahid yang ditembak ketika solat isya, plg muda umur 10 tahun,
kita ni ending pon x tau cemana 

encik kamil yg spt namanya

kesan tembakan terrorist

di saat semua kepenatan menunggu duit ditukar,
ada yg rajin interact with locals.
I ofcoz dok dlm bas hehe

macam kedah dak?

penat buat flatlay tak cantik ni haha
presenting to you, Sri Lankan Rupees 

We started the day with medical camp session somewhere in Sammanthurai. I had a good time with the pharmacist whilst trying to remember the medicine's MOA and indications (but most of the time I just remembered their colours, shapes and position, so that I could 'hulur' them to him whenever it's written on the prescriptions).  We were then served with home-cooked lunch by the community (they are just sooo kind!!!). We prayed Zuhr & Asr before going to a place of which we hoped that we wouldn't be there in the first place.

jgn tiru aksi ini


mcik pon happy

tak ingat dah nama pharmacist ni huhu

bahagia itu ada bila kamu bersyukur dgn apa yang kamu punya

prof and his advices <3


anda taktahu masa depan tu macam mana

awal lagi ni sbb tu happpy hha

culture shock woi haha
bfast pagi tadi aha
sequence gambr tak cemerlang sbb ada yg dl,
 ada yg dlm kamera ai

uish adik kakak sorang ni huhu

jemah in action

ni keje saya sbnarnya ; berdiri (haha)

akk plg byk anak, tak penat pula tu, mantap!

lari dari realiti yang sesak,
duk luar ingatkan tenang,
ada lak budak2 lain hahah


kelas depa kat luaq ja
(masa kami dtg, mmg x fokus la)

credits to qils

last2 cgu bawa pi kantin

credits to qils (saje je kan)

knp portion tak pernah skit huwaaa

hari2 solat kat masjid lain2, masyaAllah, alhamdulillah

VP kita

hanya mampu candid tapi buruk haha

hakak2 origami

ni namanya over exposure hehe

gembira eh semua hehe
This was the last day we've got to spend with Sammanthurai -ians. (whoops). We went to an English preschool of which I had to build a kite. It went well , with Aqilah of course, but the sad part of the story is that, we didn't even get to play with it. An innocent boy asked for the kite so that he could bring it home huhu. Being a 'budak bandar', an uncle called us to the side of the road, and commented on the kite, haha. So many errors , woii.
pagi lagi dik, awat bosan ngat muka?

inilah budak itu huwaaa

nak beg bulu2 juga kata Ferra

mcm big boss eh

kak asyik dan layang2nya

teman susah senang

butipul :)
The day where Prof left us for Belgaum. Colombo was just too hot. I had rashes huhu. All was well kot.


nasib sempat senyap kejap

comelnya prof

Oh and we stayed in a hostel! It was super comfortable since we came with a big group. But still the weather was just too hot huwaa.

sedap tapi gatal la lepas makan

kaka main layang2

Since the albums are so separated between what's in google drive, what's in my camera, so some are just mixed up. These following pictures are from telegram. Oh, and mind me, if there's no picture of you, it doesn't mean that you're unimportant, it's just because I only downloaded the ones with me/Aqilah in it. And if you're in my camera, you're lucky enough hehe.

ikut cara prof, macam abah sangat!

lotus tower kat belakang tu


roomates kita sepanjang program

suka ni juga!

plg tak bekerjasama : alin (haha)
sbnarnya ana tgh menikmati teriknya mentari
Fun fact : I can create a file with only selfies in it because there's too much of selfies, wefies. I even did a collage of those. Only for mahrams (present and future).

Life lesson learnt. As long as we have faith and trust in His plans, surround ourselves with good people, pray for the best, insyaAllah we'll get through the times even when it seems impossible. Never put expectations on people, we'll be disappointed. Always and always have high expectations on Allah, who knows every single thing, even what our heart whispers. Allah has so many things to offer, so never miss out those chances and most significantly never commit yourself to sth you can't be committed to. "Amanah itu hukumnya berat, jangan sampai Allah persoalkan kelak."

Goodbye Ceylon Project. And goodbye The Legacy.
"Sampai jodoh pertemukan kita, mungkin suatu hari nanti."

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